While a resident of Buckingham,Virginia, in 1779 William enlisted in theRevolutionary War and served six months in Captain Anthony Winston'sCompany,Col. Scripps Virginia Regiment. In 1780 he re-enlisted as aprivate and served six moths in Captain Saunders Patterson's VirginiaRegiment.
He was granted a pension on his application executed August 12,1833.
William Jesse and May are buried side by side in the Cornett graveyardnear the site of their home. The reason for that prticular site was thatWilliam dreamed he drove his wagon and team upon the hill to a largeSassafras tree and could never drive them out from under it, so herequested his family to bury him under that tree.
While a resident of Buckingham,Virginia, in 1779 William enlisted in theRevolutionary War and served six months in Captain Anthony Winston'sCompany,Col. Scripps Virginia Regiment. In 1780 he re-enlisted as aprivate and served six moths in Captain Saunders Patterson's VirginiaRegiment.
He was granted a pension on his application executed August 12,1833.
William Jesse and May are buried side by side in the Cornett graveyardnear the site of their home. The reason for that prticular site was thatWilliam dreamed he drove his wagon and team upon the hill to a largeSassafras tree and could never drive them out from under it, so herequested his family to bury him under that tree.