George Cooper.George married Elizabeth.
Elizabeth. married George Cooper.
They had the following children:
F i Mary "Polly" Cooper
James C Cornett [Parents] was born in 1824 in Grayson County Virginia. He married Charlotte Hall on 10 Jan 1849 in Grayson County Virginia.
Charlotte Hall [Parents] was born in 1828. She married James C Cornett on 10 Jan 1849 in Grayson County Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i John W. Cornett was born in 1849. M ii Archibald Cornett was born in 1850. M iii Calvin George N. Cornett M iv William J. Cornett M v Jasper V. Cornett F vi Morning Cornett was born in 1854. F vii Vina Cornett F viii Belle Cornett was born in 1856. F ix Martha Viola Cornett F x Suphrona Cornett F xi Polly Cornett M xii Stephen R. Cornett F xiii Rosy Cornett was born in 1865.
Richard Hall.Richard married Sarah Bedwell.
Sarah Bedwell.Sarah married Richard Hall.
They had the following children:
F i Charlotte Hall
Weldon Cornett [Parents].Weldon married Phoebe Angeline Anderson on 5 Apr 1877.
Other marriages:Plummer, Jesmiah
Phoebe Angeline Anderson [Parents] was born on 12 May 1858. She married Weldon Cornett on 5 Apr 1877.
William. married Kiziah Sosondra Roark.
Kiziah Sosondra Roark.Kiziah married William.
They had the following children:
M i Jesse W. Price
David Price [Parents] was born in 1831. He married Martha "Patsy".
Martha "Patsy" was born in 1831. She married David Price.
They had the following children:
Samuel Price [Parents] was born in 1833. He married Rebecca Roark on 25 Nov 1851 in Ashe County North Carolina.
Rebecca Roark [Parents] was born in 1834 in Ashe County,N.C.. She died in 1900 in Ashe County,N.C.. She married Samuel Price on 25 Nov 1851 in Ashe County North Carolina.
They had the following children:
M i Wilburn Price was born in 1853. F ii Nancy Price F iii Mary Price was born in 1856. M iv Jonathan Price was born in 1859. M v Jesse Price was born in 1862. M vi Ephraim Price was born in 1864. F vii Millie Price. M viii Samuel Price. M ix Andrew Lee Price
Ephraim. married Millie Graybeal.
Millie Graybeal.Millie married Ephraim.
They had the following children:
F i Rebecca Roark
------------ Osborne.------------ married Nancy Price.
Nancy Price [Parents] was born in 1854. She married ------------ Osborne.
Andrew Lee Price [Parents] was born in 1874. He died on 11 Jul 1971. He married Martha Jane Johnson.
Martha Jane Johnson was born in 1884. She died on 22 Jan 1958. She married Andrew Lee Price.
They had the following children:
M i Blain Price M ii Russell Price M iii Clark Price M iv Olen Price M v Everett Price F vi Ellen Price F vii Nina Price M viii Lennie Price M ix Nehmia Price F x Ethel Price M xi Ersel Price M xii Daniel Cleveland Price M xiii Willet Price