Audrey Hines was born in 1875. He married Gayle Cornett.
Gayle Cornett [Parents] was born in 1875. She married Audrey Hines.
They had the following children:
M i Clabbie M. Hines M ii Jack Hines
Roy Hurt [Parents] was born in 1883. He married ---------- Hodges.
---------- Hodges.---------- married Roy Hurt.
Peter Marlin Delph [Parents] was born on 24 Apr 1879. He died on 12 Apr 1947. He married Alice Gertrude Hurt on 16 Sep 1906.
Alice Gertrude Hurt [Parents] was born on 11 May 1891 in Grayson County Virginia. She died on 25 Jul 1960. She married Peter Marlin Delph on 16 Sep 1906.
They had the following children:
M i Odis Vinton Delp F ii Clara Mae Delp M iii Omer James Delp M iv William Rex Delp F v Emma Jean Delp F vi Eula Clyde Delp
Michael P. Delph.Michael married Comfort Emaline Comer.
Comfort Emaline Comer.Comfort married Michael P. Delph.
They had the following children:
M i Peter Marlin Delph
Odis Vinton Delp [Parents] was born on 7 Dec 1907. He died in 1976. He married Frances Louise Porter on 24 Mar 1944.
They had the following children:
F i Nancy Reed Delp
Clara Mae Delp [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i William Chitwood Bowyer M ii Donald Edward Bowyer F iii Sandra Jean Bowyer
Omer James Delp [Parents] was born on 7 Dec 1911 in Grayson County Virginia. He died on 25 Oct 1955. He married Dorothy Ruth Chaffin.
They had the following children:
M i James Carroll Delp M ii Larry Bruce Delp F iii Sharon Kaye Delp M iv Rodney Dwayne Delp was born in 1946. He died in 1946.
William Rex Delp [Parents] was born on 19 Oct 1914 in Grayson County Virginia. He died on 25 Oct 1955 in Grayson County Virginia. He married Wanda Florence Elliott on 9 Jul 1938 in Grayson County Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i Stephen Carroll Delp F ii Betty Jean Delp
Emma Jean Delp [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Donnie Jean Howe
Luther Williams died on 30 Jul 1974. He married Eula Clyde Delp on 14 Sep 1946.
Eula Clyde Delp [Parents] was born on 6 Feb 1919. She died on 1 Apr 1974. She married Luther Williams on 14 Sep 1946.
They had the following children:
M i Ronald Wayne Williams F ii Linda Alice Williams M iii Danny Rex Williams F iv Larry Duane Williams