George Campbell [Parents].George married Juda Cornett.
Juda Cornett [Parents] was born on 21 Sep 1865 in Letcher County Kentucky. She died on 25 Nov 1947 in Letcher County Kentucky. She married George Campbell.
They had the following children:
James Cornett [Parents] was born in 1876. He died in 1968.
He had the following children:
M i Navarre Cornett M ii Chester Cornett F iii Susanna Cornett F iv Gloria Cornett M v Vincent Cornett M vi Worley Cornett M vii James Cornett M viii Major Cornett F ix Redelica Cornett
Tilden Cornett [Parents] was born in 1880.
He had the following children:
M i William Cornett died in Campbell Cemetery Letcher County Kentucky. F ii Alberta Cornett M iii Richard M. Cornett F iv Margaret Cornett F v Alice Cornett
Luther Cornett [Parents] was born in 1884. He died on 22 Sep 1956 in Boyd County Kentucky. He married Elizabeth Maggard.
Elizabeth Maggard [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Polly Cornett F ii Hattie Cornett M iii William Cornett M iv Robert Cornett M v Coole Cornett F vi Mattie Cornett M vii James Cornett
John Hall.John married Rutha Cornett.
Rutha Cornett [Parents] was born in 1860. She married John Hall.
Anna Cornett [Parents] was born on 11 Oct 1887. She died on 13 Jun 1974 in Cornett Cemetery B lackey,Kentucky Letcher County. She married ------------Hogg.
Arch Cornett [Parents] was born on 14 Jun 1891. He died on 17 Sep 1965 in Cornett Cemetery Blackey,Kentucky. He married Artie Back on 13 Sep 1913.
Artie Back was born in 1892. She married Arch Cornett on 13 Sep 1913.
They had the following children:
M i Verge Cornett F ii Eunice Cornett F iii Ann Avis Cornett M iv Urban Cornett M v Verlon Cornett M vi Emil Cornett M vii Vance Cornett M viii Lilly Blaine Cornett M ix Cleo Cornett M x Clell Cornett F xi Mildred Cornett M xii Darrell Dean Cornett M xiii Elwood Cornett
Verge Cornett [Parents]
Eunice Cornett [Parents]
Ann Avis Cornett [Parents]