Gideon Lewis.Gideon married Jane J. Lewis.
Jane J. Lewis [Parents] was born in 1869 in Carter County Tennessee. She married Gideon Lewis.
Henry Bud Fields.Henry married Lucy Caudill Hamilton.
Lucy Caudill Hamilton.Lucy married Henry Bud Fields.
They had the following children:
F i Judy Fields
William Henry Harrison Strong [Parents] was born in 1849. He married Emily Emoline Haddix.
Other marriages:Little, Catherine
Emily Emoline Haddix [Parents] was born in 1867. She married William Henry Harrison Strong.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Strong was born in 1891. F ii Elizabeth Strong M iii Henry Strong M iv George Strong F v Jane Strong F vi Sally Strong M vii Alex Strong
William Henry Harrison Strong [Parents] was born in 1849. He married Catherine Little.
Other marriages:Haddix, Emily Emoline
Catherine Little.Catherine married William Henry Harrison Strong.
James Haddix.James married Mary Howard.
Mary Howard.Mary married James Haddix.
They had the following children:
F i Emily Emoline Haddix
They had the following children:
F i Bessie Combs
Watson Caudill [Parents]
Mildred Finley [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Bernice Caudill F ii Brenda Caudill M iii Bobby Watson Caudill F iv Christine Caudill M v Owen Keith Caudill M vi Gano Caudill
Robert Finley [Parents]
Evie Caudill [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Larry Finley was born on 16 May 1948 in Letcher County Kentucky. He died on 27 Jul 1964 in Whitesburg, Kentucky Letcher County. F ii Carolyn Finley F iii Deborah Finley
They had the following children:
F i Mildred Finley
Olan Adams [Parents]
Bernice Caudill [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Sharon Denise Adams F ii Misti Lynn Adams