John S. Nolan was born in 1864. He married Lucinda Dixon.
Lucinda Dixon [Parents] was born in 1871. She married John S. Nolan.
They had the following children:
F i Maggie Catherine Nolan
Maggie Catherine Nolan [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Fred Longhurst
William Creech [Parents] was born in 1845. He married Sally Dixon.
Sally Dixon.Sally married William Creech.
They had the following children:
M i Absalom Creech M ii Joe Creech F iii Polly Creech M iv William R. Creech F v Nancy Ann Creech M vi Henry C. Creech M vii Columbus Creech F viii Rhoda Creech
Joe Creech [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Elhannon Creech F ii Arwilla Creech F iii T.Y. Creech F iv Ethel Creech M v Morgan Creech F vi Osa Creech F vii Luanna Creech
Elhannon Creech [Parents]
Arwilla Creech [Parents]
Ethel Creech [Parents]
Osa Creech [Parents]
Luanna Creech [Parents]
Polly Creech [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Bertha Lewis F ii Ora Lewis M iii Chester Lewis M iv Clyde Lewis F v Mossie Lewis F vi Bessie Lewis F vii Alta Lewis F viii June Lewis