Artie Cornett [Parents]
Other marriages:Frazier, Riley
Day, Jim
Artie Cornett [Parents]
Other marriages:Frazier, Riley
Caudill, Jett
Willie Cornett [Parents] was born in 1887. He died in 1977. He married Fannie Adams.
Other marriages:Brown, Dora
Fannie Adams was born in 1880. She died in 1913. She married Willie Cornett.
They had the following children:
F i Iona Cornett M ii Edkar Cornett
Willie Cornett [Parents] was born in 1887. He died in 1977. He married Dora Brown.
Other marriages:Adams, Fannie
They had the following children:
F i Lula Cornett was born in 1916. She died in 1925. M ii William Fred Cornett F iii Elma Cornett was born in 1921. She died in 1922.
Robert Fugate(Rev.) [Parents] was born in 1903. He died on 13 Oct 1994. He married Iona Cornett.
Iona Cornett [Parents] was born on 31 Oct 1908. She died on 25 Jun 1994. She married Robert Fugate(Rev.).
They had the following children:
M i Charles Ray Fugate M ii Robert Fugate M iii Fred Cohen Fugate F iv Edna L. Fugate F v Viola Fugate F vi Chelsea Marie Fugate F vii Lucy Faye Fugate F viii Brenda Joyce Fugate F ix Sandra Ann Fugate F x Glenda Sue Fugate M xi William Edward Fugate F xii Betty Jo Fugate F xiii Mary Fugate
Zack Fugate.Zack married Elizabeth Clemons.
Elizabeth Clemons.Elizabeth married Zack Fugate.
They had the following children:
M i Robert Fugate(Rev.)
William Fred Cornett [Parents]
Rebecca Cornett [Parents] was born in 1890. She married Will Hall.
Martha Cornett [Parents] was born in 1891. She died in 1950. She married Henry Clay Hall.
Sally Cornett [Parents] died in 1959. She married Rudy Adams.