Bert Carson Pool [Parents].Bert married Valda Mae Delp.
They had the following children:
F i Ilene Mae Pool M ii Gene Carson Pool M iii Thomas Clark Pool F iv Janet Lynn Pool
Cebert Marvin Pool [Parents] was born on 23 Jan 1885 in Grayson County Virginia. He died on 9 Dec 1943 in Comers Rock,Virginia Grayson County. He married Myrtle Alice Hall on 3 Jul 1907 in Grayson County Virginia.
Myrtle Alice Hall [Parents] was born on 11 Sep 1887. She died on 16 Jan 1975 in Marion,Virginia Smyth County. She married Cebert Marvin Pool on 3 Jul 1907 in Grayson County Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i James Kermit Pool M ii Philmore Stewart Pool M iii Ralph Willard Pool M iv Lloyd Charles Pool F v Thelma Rhea Pool
Claude Swanson McKinnon [Parents]
Iva Clyde Pool [Parents].Iva married Claude Swanson McKinnon.
They had the following children:
M i Rodney Swanson McKinnon F ii Delores Elaine McKinnon
Reid Bailey Pool [Parents].Reid married Anna Mae James.
They had the following children:
M i Sidney Davis Pool F ii Nancy Jo Pool M iii Lawrence Reid Pool M iv Terry Raymond Pool
Elbert Winton Hall [Parents] was born on 3 Jul 1897 in Grayson County Virginia. He died on 26 Jul 1977. He married Mattie Mae Pool on 14 May 1916 in Cedar Springs,Virginia Smyth County.
Mattie Mae Pool [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Wilma Dove Hall F ii Vella Gay Hall M iii Charles Fred Hall M iv Eldon Rex Hall
Scott Worley Hackler was born on 10 Sep 1891. He died on 28 Dec 1958 in Elk Creek,Virginia Grayson County. He married Laura Myrtle Pool on 4 Jul 1915.
Laura Myrtle Pool [Parents] was born on 7 Jan 1892 in Elk Creek,Virginia Grayson County. She died on 7 Apr 1972. She married Scott Worley Hackler on 4 Jul 1915.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Rose Hackler M ii Willie Sid Hackler
They had the following children:
F i Ruth Louise Hackler
Roger Boyce Pool [Parents]
Other marriages:Parsons, Martha
Roger Boyce Pool [Parents]
Other marriages:Cox, Sharon
They had the following children:
M i Timothy Mark Pool
Dorothy Louise Pool [Parents]
Other marriages:Hodge, Charlie Luther