Simuel Lee Cottongim [Parents]
Other marriages:Christine, Mable
They had the following children:
M i John Edwin Cottongim M ii George Leonard Cottongim M iii Ernest Lee Cottongim
Susan E. Cottongim [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Mattie Hazel Farmer F ii Vicie Marie Farmer M iii John Bryce Farmer F iv Ruby Pearl Farmer M v Chester Earl Farmer M vi James Dewey Farmer
William Andrew Cottongim [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Stelma Cottongim F ii Mae Cottongim F iii Ruby Cottongim F iv Mary Edna Cottongim F v Edna Cottongim M vi Dorvin Cottongim M vii Edzul Cottongim M viii Leroy Cottongim M ix Gary Ray Cottongim
James Hunter died in 1936. He married Floe Marie Cottongim in 1924 in Indianapolis ,Indiana.
Floe Marie Cottongim [Parents]
Other marriages:Stogsdill, Earl
They had the following children:
F i Virginia Hunter
Floe Marie Cottongim [Parents]
Other marriages:Hunter, James
They had the following children:
M i James Floyd Stogsdill
Thomas Oather Cottongim [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Doris Gretchethia Cottongim F ii Kwilda Sue Cottongim
Joseph Stivers Cottongim [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Catherine Cottongim F ii Ethel Cottongim M iii Elmer Lee Cottongim M iv Veral C. Cottongim F v Christine Cottongim F vi Audrey Mae Cottongim M vii James Dearl Cottongim M viii Harold Gene Cottongim M ix Kenneth Jay Cottongim
Martha Ann Cottongim [Parents]
Other marriages:D, Ralph ,. Shinkle
They had the following children:
M i William Homer Hines was born on 28 Jan 1935. He died on 28 Jan 1935.
Martha Ann Cottongim [Parents]
Other marriages:Hines, Homer
Mayme Alice Cottongim [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Lonnie Radez